In this episode, first airing November 2, 2012, Bill ventures away from the studio to talk with guest hosts Ken Coughlan (producer of “At Last”) and Mary Kay Coughlan (Tohubohu makeup artist and “set mom”) about the Havre de Grace Drama Guild’s Cinematography Workshop.
Podcast Chapters
- Introduction (0:00)
- Muse of the Moment (1:52)
- Calendar Spotlight (12:01)
- The HDG Drama Guild’s Cinematography Workshop (20:41)
- Conclusion (38:38)
Special note: Because of scheduling changes necessitated by “superstorm” Sandy, the premiere screening for “The Flag,” the short film produced by the Cinematography Workshop discussed in this episode, has been moved from December 14 to January 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Havre de Grace Activity Center.
Show Notes
Below are links to external sites and/or supporting material referenced in this episode.
- Kenneth J. Coughlan (IMDb page)
- Mary Kay Coughlan (IMDb page)
Muse of the Moment
- Netflix (official site)
- Spaced (IMDb page)
- Edgar Wright (IMDb page)
- Shaun of the Dead (IMDb page)
- Hot Fuzz (IMDb page)
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (IMDb page)
- Ant-Man (IMDb page)
- Nathan Fillion (IMDb page)
- Tim Burton (IMDb page)
- Planet of the Apes (IMDb page)
- The Avengers (IMDb page)
- Joss Whedon (IMDb page)
- Citizen Kane (IMDb page)
- Deep focus (Wikipedia page)
- Singin’ in the Rain (IMDb page)
- Dylan Hintz (IMDb page)
- Face Off (official page)
- Hot Set (official page)
Calendar Spotlight
- The TIVA Peer Awards (official site)
- The National Press Club (official site)
- Arch Campbell (official site)
- “At Last” (Tohubohu page)
- ”The Lake” (official site)
The HDG Drama Guild’s Cinematography Workshop
- Havre de Grace Drama Guild (official site)
- Strike a Pose Films (official site)
- Jackie Chan (IMDb page)
- Nick DePinto (IMDb page)
- Colin Heichman (IMDb page)
- House of Cards (IMDb page)
- Live Free or Die Hard (IMDb page)
- Dan Foster (IMDb page)
- Havre de Grace Activity Center (official page)
- iTunes Store podcast page (for ratings/comments)
Additional Credits