The Apprentice: Martha Stewart [Audition Video]

2005 · 6:17 · produced by William R. Coughlan

A conceptual revisiting of one of our earliest production efforts, this was an audition video for the Martha Stewart version of the reality series The Apprentice. This time, however, the contestant, Sarah Brennan, was eventually accepted onto the first (and likely only) season of the show.

Now here was a project I just couldn’t pass up. Having made an Apprentice audition video once before, now — in February of 2005 — I’d have an opportunity to try once again. The project was more of a secret than the last time around — the candidate, Sarah Brennan, had already completed the first interview rounds, and at this stage the producers were insisting on absolute confidentiality. Like the last time, it was a quick-turnaround project: I found out about it on Monday, we shot it Tuesday evening and Wednesday, and I had it edited and polished in time to send it out by Friday. At the time, we all thought I’d be able to let the cat out of the bag in a couple of weeks. But that dragged on… and then Sarah took a none-too-mysterious leave of absence in the spring. Which meant I had to keep my yap shut until the official cast announcement in August. I don’t think I’ve kept a secret that long in my life. Sarah didn’t win the competition (which was obviously geared more toward good television than actual business skill), but she certainly held her own, and left with a grace all too rare in the world of reality television.
— William R. Coughlan